men writing on a notebook next to a laptop

Comprehending the P Value

P-value definition, how to use it, and interpreting the measurement

 2022-04-12 路   3 min 路  路 Jaqueline Medeiros
headphone next to a microphone and a laptop in the background

Podcast Review - Machine Learning Guide

A review about the podcast Machine Learning Guide

 2022-01-24 路   2 min 路  路 Jaqueline Medeiros
image of an multiple books, most closed and some open

EDA Amazon Top 50 Bestselling Books

Exploratory Data Analysis of Amazon鈥檚 top 50 bestselling books 2009 - 2019

 2021-12-28 路   3 min 路  路 Jaqueline Medeiros
a dispersion plot using seaborn

Python seaborn Package Guide

A simple guide on how to make basic plots using the seaborn package from Python

 2021-11-07 路   2 min 路  路 Jaqueline Medeiros
a 3 lane highway with cards comming and going

Have COVID Impacted California Traffic Collisions?

Using SQL to analyze if COVID impacted California Traffic Collisions

 2021-11-02 路   3 min 路  路 Jaqueline Medeiros